At RepDonkey, we fight daily to eliminate keystrokes and clicks. We know what it’s like to use a laptop trackpad on a bumpy plane ride. We know how hard it is to see a split screen on a laptop in the passenger seat of your car in a Starbucks parking lot. We know what sales is like and we empathize.
We know that when you are asked to enter data, and nobody ever looks at it, a little bit of your soul dies. We know all of this. So, at RepDonkey, we pay attention to the details. Management sees clear, simple dashboards. Sales execs are asked only for real, meaningful data. There are no mandatory fields asking why you lost a deal.
But sometimes empathy is not enough. Sometimes even the simplest tasks go undone. Like putting the seat down, taking out the garbage, or picking up after your dog on a walk. Empathy is a powerful management tool, but sometimes it just isn’t enough. Sometimes you just have to have rules.
So, at RepDonkey, we suggest this: ask your sales execs to set aside 10 minutes every day to enter data into your CRM. Just 10 minutes. That’s all it takes. Then ask them to put it on the calendar.
If your sales team does this, their efficiency will skyrocket. Reward them with reducing it to 5 minutes after a week of consistent work. They won’t even need the full 5 minutes to do it…
Once they find the joy in putting the seat down nobody will ever fall into your CRM toilet.